Magnatone Starlite Combo Brown 1x8

Artikel-Nr.: 5841

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Preis inkl. 19% MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Magnatone Starlite 340E Combo

The Starlite joins the Magnatone Traditional line-up as a much-requested low-power amp perfect for backstage, studio, bedroom, or office. With Classic American tones and Vintage style, the Starlite will quickly rival anything in the small amp category.

Vintage Brown
Gold Cosmetics
5 Watt
6V6 Power Tube
12AX7 Preamp Tubes
8" Ceramic Magnet Speaker by WGS
8 Ohms
Negative Feedback Feature allow for even deeper gain control

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Preise inkl. 19% MwSt., zzgl. Versand

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